Aug 17, 2019

If I weigh 195 pounds, how many calories should I be getting each day to lose weight?

This mostly depends on your Activity Level. If you don’t do any cardiovascular training or weight lifting: 2000 calories/day at your weight will result in about 0.5lbs weight loss per week and 1750–1800 calories/day will result in 1 lbs per week.
If you’re fairly active, you’ll need about 2050–2300 to lose 0.5–1.0 lbs per week, respectively. As you can see, the amount of calories needed to lose weight is very dependent on the calories you burn on a regular basis.
Of course, your Age and Height play a factor as well. Here’s a great tool that helps you calculate how many calories your body burns daily using your height, current weight, age and activity level: Calorie Calulator
I wouldn’t recommend you lose more than 1 lb a week, unless you’re severely overweight — then I’d recommend you talk to your doctor first and ask him/her if losing more weight per week is the healthiest option for you.

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